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Whats Up

B is now kicking it in Vegas. Before he moved out there he lived in a small ass town, Antioch in Illinois. You can say he is living in the fast lane. SLOW DOWN B!!!!

He's starting to write some shit for the OB album too...so it's gonna be that much PHATTER!

O still lives near Antioch, just north of the border into Wisconsin. What a dumb ass pic of O if you ask me. And what the hell is he doing with his hands. I cant wait to get a new picture of this.

O still keeps in good contact with B and keep planning the release of an OB album.

Other OBs
There are 3 more OB by blood that we dont have a pic of....well, Jock is on here, so we need the other 2. I'm sure Jock wants a different pic on here, so until we get one, this one is it.


Email Typic-O

Email Bionic-B


"There he is again!" - Lil' Cathy (Chainsaw Lady)